Auday Biography

Assistant professor



Auday Al-Dulaimy received the B.Sc and M.Sc degrees in computer science from Al-Nahrain University, Iraq in 2000 and 2003 respectively; and the PhD degree in computer science from Beirut Arab University, Lebanon in 2017. After his PhD study, Auday worked as a postdoctoral researcher with the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Karlstad University, Sweden, and then, as a postdoctoral researcher with the Division of Networked and Embedded Systems at Mälardalen University, Sweden.

Now, Auday is an assistant professor with the Division of Networked and Embedded Systems at Mälardalen University. Also, he is a assistant professor (Part time) with the School of Information and Engineering, Dalarna University, Sweden.

Auday is a reviewer in several journals, and has served (and is serving) as a member of the program and scientific committees in several international refereed conferences. He is a member of IEEE and ACM.



The main core of the Auday interest is Cloud computing and cloud infra structure optimization , and most of the publications concerted in this field. Although there are many of them in other fields like AI, and machine learning.  

Published Books

Published Papers

Scientific Awards

Teaching Subjects

Featured In


If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?

Published Book chapters

Introduction To Edge Computing

Auday Al-Dulaimy, Michel Gokan Khan, Javid Taheri, Introduction to Edge Computing, In “Edge Computing: Models, Technologies and Applications”, Publisher: The Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET), UK, 2020, in press.

Open Source Projects for Edge Computing 

Michel Gokan Khan, Auday Al-Dulaimy, Javid Taheri, Open Source Projects for Edge Computing, In “Edge Computing: Models, Technologies and Applications”, Publisher: The Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET), UK, 2020, in press.